About us
As of November 2022, our team includes the following members being involved in at least one of the stellar library projects (in alphabetical order of the last name):- Anton Afanasiev (LESIA, France / Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University, Russia (SAI MSU))
- Yuri Beletski (Las Campanas Observatory, Chile)
- Sviatoslav Borisov (University of Geneva, Switzerland / SAI MSU)
- Igor Chilingarian (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA / SAI MSU)
- Vladimir Goradzanov (SAI MSU / Faculty of Physics of MSU, Russia)
- Kirill Grishin (Universit ́e de Paris-Cité, APC, France / SAI MSU)
- Luis Ho (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, China)
- Anastasia Kasparova (SAI MSU)
- Ivan Katkov (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE / SAI MSU)
- Cédric Ledoux (European Southern Observatory, Chile)
- Claudio Melo (Portuguese Space Agency, Portugal)
- Evgenii Rubtsov (SAI MSU / Faculty of Physics of MSU)
- Anna Saburova (SAI MSU)
- Baitian Tang (School of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yat-sen University, China)
- Guy Worthey (Washington State University, USA)
- Ivan Zolotukhin (SAI MSU)
Papers to cite
If VOXAstro stellar libraries were helpful to your research, please cite the following papers.-
Borisov, S., Chilingarian, I., Rubtsov, E., Ledoux, C., Melo, C., Grishin, K., Katkov, I., Goradzhanov, V., Afanasiev, A., Kasparova, A., Saburova, A., 2023: New Generation Stellar Spectral Libraries in the Optical and Near-Infrared I: The Recalibrated UVES-POP Library for Stellar Population Synthesis [pdf]
Other papers
- Borisov, S., Chilingarian, I., Rubtsov, E., Grishin, K., Katkov, I., Goradzhanov, V., Afanasiev, A., Saburova, A., Kasparova, A., Zolotukhin, I., 2021: Multi-segment and Echelle stellar spectra processing issues and how to solve them [pdf]
- Rubtsov, E., Chilingarian, I., Katkov, I., Grishin, K., Goradzhanov, V., Borisov, S., 2021: Hybrid minimization algorithm for computationally expensive multi-dimensional fitting [pdf]
- Borisov, S., Chilingarian, I., Rubtsov, E., Ledoux, C., Melo, C., Grishin, K., 2020: The Recalibration of the UVES-POP Stellar Spectral Library [pdf]
- Chilingarian, I., 2020: Quick and Accurate Data Reduction for Intermediate-resolution Echelle Spectrographs at Magellan [pdf]
- Grishin, K., Chilingarian, I., Katkov, I., 2019: Open-source Web Tools for Spectroscopic and Imaging Data Visualization for the VOXAstro Initiative [pdf]
- Rubtsov, E., Chilingarian, I., Borisov, S., Katkov, I., 2019: Stellar Atmospheric Parameters from Full Spectrum Fitting of Intermediate- and High-resolution Spectra against PHOENIX/BT-Settl Synthetic Stellar Atmospheres [pdf]
- Podorvanyuk, N., Chilingarian, I., Katkov, I., 2017: Stellar Atmosphere Interpolator for Empirical and Synthetic Spectra [pdf]
This project is funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grants 17-72-20119 and 19-12-00281).
Our team acknowledges the support from the Program of development of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University for the Leading Scientific School "Physics of stars, relativistic objects and galaxies".
SB acknowledges support by the Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics "BASIS".
SB, IC, and KG also acknowledge support by the ESO Visiting Scientist Programme.